Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wish List Item: Dreamworks Fighting Game

Raise your hand if you didn't love Street Fighter II? If you raised your hand, smack yourself in the face and leave! It was a great game. Of course, the mark of any great game is the number of spin-offs and copycats it generates and Street Fighter II is no exception. Bascially this game is responsible for the 'Fighting Game' category of games as it currently exists. Some of the copycats were great... the X-Men fightig game, the Capcom fighting game, the X-Men Vs. Capcom fighting game, etc.

Now, raise your hand if you didn't love Shrek Supersmash? In case you were wondering, my hand is raised. The game itself was weak with awkward camera angles, difficult controls, and sloppy design. However, the concept was GREAT! Basically, this game pitted characters from the 'Shrek Universe' against one another in the Street Fighter II spirit.

What I want is to take this concept one step farther. Dreamworks Animation has assembled a great set of characters in its recent movies. Imagine for a minute if they would pull those characters together and pit them against one another in a simple fighting game format. Imagine the fun of Shrek vs. Tai Lung OR Po vs. B.O.B. OR Gallaxhar vs. Puss-In-Boots! The list could go on for days!

So, if any of the execs at Dreamworks are listening...make a fighting game that incorporates all of your characters and you could have a best-seller on your hands. I won't even ask for a cut of the profits. The joy of playing this game will be its own reward!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

'Monsters' Pilot Ordered

Nickelodeon has reportedly ordered a pilot for a 'Monsters Vs. Aliens' show! This series could join 'Kung Fu Panda' and 'Madagascar' as recent Dreamworks films make their way to the small screen. There are still no details on the proposed 'Monsters' series with regard to voice talent, animation style, etc. As they say in TV world...stay tuned!